
Our team members

CAIUS consists of an interdisciplinary research team from three universities that spans from computer science to social science and information science.


Prof. Dr. Kai Eckert

Professor @HdM Stuttgart

Information Science, Linked Data

WISS (Web-based Information Systems and Services)

IAAI (Institute of Applied Articial Intelligence)

Prof. Dr. Frauke Kreuter

Professor @LMU Munich

Chair of Statistics and Data Science in Social Sciences and the Humanities (SODA)

KEM (Statistical Methods)

Prof. Dr. Heiner Stuckenschmidt

Professor @University of Mannheim

Chair of Artificial Intelligence

Prof. Dr. Christoph Kern

Professor @LMU München

Statistics and Methodology in the Social Sciences

Chair for Statistics and Data Science in Social Sciences and the Humanities (SODA)


Dr. Ruben Bach

Postdoc @University of Mannheim

Statistics and Methodology in the Social Sciences

School of Social Sciences

Dr. Frederic Gerdon

Postdoc @University of Mannheim

Statistics and Methodology in the Social Sciences

School of Social Sciences

Florian Rupp

PhD Student @Hochschule Mannheim

Focus: Machine Learning, Information Science

IAAI (Institute of Applied Articial Intelligence)

WISS (Web-based Information Systems and Services)

Clara Strasser Ceballos

Doctoral Student @LMU Munich

Focus: Artifical intelligence, Statistics and Methodology in the Social Sciences

Chair for Statistics and Data Science in Social Sciences and the Humanities (SODA)

Daria Szafran

PhD Student @University of Mannheim

Focus: Sociology, Statistics and Methodology in the Social Sciences

School of Social Sciences

Zahidullah Sherzad

Researcher @Mannheim university of applied sceinces

Focus: Full stack web development


Former members

Dr. Kilian Theil

Former PhD Student @University of Mannheim (until 2022)

Focus: Artificial Intelligence

Chair of Artifical Intelligence

Jakob Kappenberger

PhD Student @University of Mannheim

Focus: Artificial Intelligence

Chair of Artifical Intelligence